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Make Life Easy Bag

Secret Pillow Project

Make Life Easy Bag


We designed the Make Life Easy Bag to be big enough for a Secret Pillow and more. None of us want to leave our Secret Pillows behind so we simply need a bigger bag. Make Life Easy Bags are easy to pack, used on planes, at the swimming pool, shopping, picnics and much more.  (Our price: £7.50 includes postage.)

Our Make Life Easy Bags were made in India by an inspiration company called Freeset. Like our business, Freeset exist to empower women in India. They are a fair trade business offering employment to women trapped in Kolkata's sex trade. They make quality jute bags and organic cotton t-shirts. They business goal is to see 10,000 sex workers Kolkata empowered with the choice of leaving a profession they never chose in the first place.

How could this bag make your life easy?



We currently have 299 in stock.